Date : Sunday, March 28, 2010
Time : 4:19 AM
Title :

Greetings world! :DDD
Its Palm Sunday today! - Because of His great Love, He gave His only Son. And eveything was done so you would come. My God is so great! He is so extremely great beyond measures, He is magnificent, eternally, wonderful, and glorious, but still sees me above all! He gave it all, for us, from a King on a throne, to a human in a manger. The love He has showed is so great above all. Good Friday is coming, and it marks the day that He died on the cross for us, sinners. But He reigned in three days! Holy, Awesome God is He! And He reigns! :DD Jesus loves me, and He loves you too! :DDD

Yep! Had a great time at church today, though i was having difficulties walking and sitting down due to the muscle aches the netball carnival has brought me! HAHAHA :DD And iam still burned! D: And my arm's have like triple tones! Gahzzz! Hehe :> 
Anyway! See the photo up there!!! "LIVE" Who do you live for? People? Parents? Celebs? Friends? Your..self? Well, i live for my one and only living God! :D And iam happy to be able to have known this True, living God and call Him my Daddy God! :DDD
Blessed week people! <3
<3, Shirmaine

Date : Saturday, March 27, 2010
Time : 10:00 PM
Title :

Netball carnival <3
Hahahhaa, and yep! Ya bet iam tireddddddd alright! Have been out since 6.30 in the mornin till 7.30 at night :) Had a wonderful time at the netball carnival, though we didnt meet Ms lyanna's expectations, but iam sure we had fun! :D I (L) HI NETBALLERS :DD ! <3
Well, played six games in total, played from 8.45am-bout 4pm kay! AND IAM BURNEDDDD! )))): My arms have suer obvious double tones now! and my face's burnin red! Ahhhh! Haaha! but i like! Ia gona turn tanned! :))) Hahaha! Blehzzz! :DDD
Went to city square mall after that w/ Koh Qing, Brenda, Sherdy, Felicia and Min junn! :D For dinner, though, i didnt eat! Hahaha, I ENJOYED MYSELF SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH OKAY! HAHAHAHA, THANKS SLOTH/FEMALE SHREK! , DONKEY! and PUSS IN BOOTS! HAHAHAHA<3 I think the people in th mrt hate us lo! Hehehehe! mrted, accompanied KohQ to the library to get something back! LOLZ, stupid security guard! Kekekez! Well, reached home at arnd 7.30pm! just to realize that my coussies were at my place for gatering and my cousin's bday! Hahahaha, HAPPY BIRTHDAY&BLESSED TO ABRAHAM COUSIN! <3 
Ohwell, needa reach church tomorrow by nine as iam backin up for YongChiang! :)

Date : Friday, March 26, 2010
Time : 3:44 AM
Title :

BOOZ! :)
Hahaha, not bad of a time spent at sports carnival today! <3 First of all, great game w/ Elaine and team! Thanks for playing so well, and being such worthy opponents! We actually, won, 9-8! It was that close! It was hard to believe! Thanks guys! No hard feelings yah, you guys played so well!! :) And to team, GREAT JOB WELL DONE LUVS! <3 
And after that, went for a movie date at amk with Kirstie :> Thanks girl, for watching THE KIDNAPPER with me though its your second time! <3 And YAYNESS, I've watched THE KIDNAPPER alright! And heres one word to describe it, AWSOME. It was so touching okay!
Watch it!!! :D Hahaha, if you're wonderin' why Kaitien, Josie, Dingning and Yifang are in the photo too, they went for a movie there too, hahaha, How to train your dragon, they caught :)
Bussed home after that!
Well, Netball carnival tomorrow! Excited and at the same time, nervoussss! Gahzzz.
Well, wish me the best of all! Hahaha:) And hey world! I wana tell y'all something! Haha, I (L) MY TEAMMATAYES TTM! <3 :D Well, havin an unhealthy breakfast w/ Kirs and shirnise and maybe josie? Tomorrow mornin at 6.45!!! HAHAHA, I'LL WAKE UP ALRIGHT! C:

<3, Shirmaine

Date : Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Time : 1:20 AM
Title :

HELLOZ! :DDD That's Kohqingggggg! Hahaha, LOSER!! :DD <3
I've not post for quite awhile yah, hehehehe! Sorry :> 
Well, I love my teachers! hahaha, nice people! <3 Whoooohooo! 
Netball trng tomorrow!!! <3 Heh, netball carnival on saturdayyyyy! Yayness :DDD
Okay! Iam crappin' !! Hahahaa :DD Goodbyee! <3 


Date : Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Time : 10:56 PM
Title :

SA TOP 40 ARE OUT :D Check em' out at  :)

RUIEN- 1900 112 2031
JESSECA LIU- 1900 112 2027
BELINDA LEE- 1900 112 2024

Hello there!!! Shirmaine is so happy! Hahahaaha! 
well start from ytd! Trng in th mornin! :D Tution after that, and off to meet beckssissy at amk! :D Was a lil late! sorry sissy! Hahahaha, saw Trudyyyyyyy! And also a few of their team mates! Hahahaha, nice meetin' ya'll <3 ! :D AND TRUDY'S A PIG, BUT ONE THAT I LOVE ! HAHAH :D SISTA'S TURNING INTO A PIG AS WELL! SHE GETS HUNGRY EVERY NOW AND THEN! HAHAHAHA, NEVERMIND, ITS ALL IN THE PROCESS OF GROWING UP :) Hahahaha, caught alice in wonderland non3d with sist, not bad luh, hahaha! :D Had a wonderful talk with becks as usual! Hahaha, love you ttm sist! :D See you soon kay! <3

Hahaha, today! Didn't go out with sisters! Sorry(S) Wanted to stay home to complete homework! And i've done it! YAYNESS :D Finished my compo! I think its nice! I like! :D
Andandand! RUIEN'S IN SA TOP20! :) <333333333 

Date : Monday, March 15, 2010
Time : 2:05 PM
Title :

For the Lord, your God is with you, for He is always there that He'll never leave. :)

Hahahahahahahaaha! Shirmaine likes these photos! :))

Date : Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Time : 2:27 AM
Title :

Whoohoooo! HI, :D
Got a ride home from Ms Ang just now! Hahaha, saw her just outside school, and she offered to give me a ride :)) I told her that i lived near IMH, she went, " Is near or in? If its in, dont need to be shy one" So irritating right? Hahaha, iam not that crazy what! :D Ms Ang lives around my area too, hahaha! Well, thanks ayeee! :DD 

Yet too all who have received Him,
to those who believed in His name,
He gave the right to become children of God.

John 1:12 - Iam God's child :)

Date : Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Time : 10:06 PM
Title :

Hehehehehehehe, ehohah! HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY TO ME :) gosh, iam old. :\ Hahaha!
Had a long and busy day today! Umpired for the netball games for the carnival from 3-5.30, rushed home and off to guitar class! Hahaha.
Well, just want to a huge thank you all those who wished me well, got my gifts and sang me birthday song! THANKS GUYS, YOU GUYS MADE MY DAY! :) And also, Ms Ang and Ms Divya for the birthday hugs! :)) And Ms Ang's Christian, too! Hahaha, cool! :) And last, but not least, i thank God for these 14 years of my life, for always being a daddy to me, for always hearing me, for always whipping away my tears for me, Thank You, Daddy God :D 
Well, sec2 captain ball match on Friday, and we're going against Elaine, whattheheck! Hahaha!

"Because he loves me says the Lord
I will rescue him
I'll guard him and protect him
for he acknowledges my name
he will call Me and I'll answer
I'll be with him in trouble and I'll deliver him and honour him"
Thus says the Lord.
Psalms 91
Psalms 91-Jean Tan ( youtube, check out the song)

Date : Thursday, March 4, 2010
Time : 10:00 PM
Title :

March babies in my beloved familyyyy! :D Hahaha, (left-right) Me! 9march. Lydia! 31march. Ah mah! Today, 4march. Abraham! 27march! Hahahahaha! Action abit! HAHAHA!

Going to sentosa tomorrow for juvena's bday! :DDDD Leading worship w/ beanie! :D 
We're gona have so much fun! :DDD

Hello, Beautiful Stranger.


The Extraordinarily Awesome ShirmaineOyh C:, 15; 09Mar96
Child of a great God! :D
I have a maker. He knows my name and He calls me His own. He is so great beyond measures, but yet, still sees me above all. Nothing that I do, could make Him love me more, and nothing that I've done will make Him close the door. He is the Lord almighty, my Saviour, my Daddy God, my Best Friend! :D He has blessed me with a Plcmc family with awesome brothers and sisters in Christ! And also a loving and caring cell group with lovely sisters! And I love'em all! I backup sing and dance to praise the Lord! Singing's a passion, acting, and putting some drama to live is what I love to do! And I express myself through photography and designs. I dream of becoming an actress-singer, and of travelling around the world with my voice! And my dream, God's will in me. :) I study at HolyInnocents'highSchool; 3Courage'2011. He has put around me so many nice people like my friends, buddies, teammates, and even teachers! I love'em ttm! Iama Hi Netballer; GK, GD,and sometimes, WD. I love netball! I think RuiEn,LeonaLewis,CorrineMay, and CarrieUnderwood, rock! Big time! :D I like the colours, red, green, and grey! And i think purple's elegant!
Dear Lord, teach me how to love, like You have loved me.

If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will He not much more clothe you? Matthew 6:30


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