Date : Friday, February 4, 2011
Time : 10:15 PM
Title : God be my guiding light this new year :)

新年蒙恩! Happy and blessed new year, everyone!! C:
May this new year be full of joy, peace, and love for you all! ^^
And may the good Lord be with you and your family, and may He fill you with His abundant grace and amazing love. Pray that in all i'll seek Him, in all, trust in Him, and in all, love Him! :)
Thank you,  Jesus for yet another amazing journey ahead! :)

Hello, Beautiful Stranger.


The Extraordinarily Awesome ShirmaineOyh C:, 15; 09Mar96
Child of a great God! :D
I have a maker. He knows my name and He calls me His own. He is so great beyond measures, but yet, still sees me above all. Nothing that I do, could make Him love me more, and nothing that I've done will make Him close the door. He is the Lord almighty, my Saviour, my Daddy God, my Best Friend! :D He has blessed me with a Plcmc family with awesome brothers and sisters in Christ! And also a loving and caring cell group with lovely sisters! And I love'em all! I backup sing and dance to praise the Lord! Singing's a passion, acting, and putting some drama to live is what I love to do! And I express myself through photography and designs. I dream of becoming an actress-singer, and of travelling around the world with my voice! And my dream, God's will in me. :) I study at HolyInnocents'highSchool; 3Courage'2011. He has put around me so many nice people like my friends, buddies, teammates, and even teachers! I love'em ttm! Iama Hi Netballer; GK, GD,and sometimes, WD. I love netball! I think RuiEn,LeonaLewis,CorrineMay, and CarrieUnderwood, rock! Big time! :D I like the colours, red, green, and grey! And i think purple's elegant!
Dear Lord, teach me how to love, like You have loved me.

If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will He not much more clothe you? Matthew 6:30


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